Lwamba Bindu Benedict invested president of the Constitutional Court of DRC
Mr. Benoît Lwambaé Bindu was invested Saturday, April 11, 2015 as President of the Constitutional Court by presidential decree.This nomination comes after the swearing in of new members of the high court, which took place on April 6 at the Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa before the President of the Republic, Joseph Kabila. The members of this court is nine years non-renewable.
The Constitutional Court is responsible for monitoring the constitutionality of laws and acts having the force of law and also has jurisdiction to judge litigation presidential and parliamentary elections and the referendum.
The members of the Constitutional Court were appointed by Parliament in Congress, the High Council of the Magistracy and the President of the Republic.
Felix Vunduawe Te Pemako
Banyaku Luape,
Essambo Kangashe,
Funga Molima,
Kalonda Kele,
Kilomba Ngozi,
Luzolo Bambi,
Lwamba Bindu
Wasenda N’Songo Corneille