Speech of Mr Robert Dossou

Mr Robert Dossou
                   Mr Robert Dossou

In May 8th2011, in Algiers, 25 African Constitutional Jurisdictions met in  a Congress to adopt the Statute of the Conference of African Constitutional Jurisdictions C.C.J.A by abbreviation.
The achievement of this ambitious project, constitutes a deep wish of our different Jurisdictions and the African legal community to federate in a common whole.
This whole will remain attentive to the experiences accumulated by the Constitutional Jurisdictions within the regional or linguistic groups and open to the evolutions of democracy, Rule of law and human rights in the world.

The necessity to create this continental space is the result of a double assessment that our Jurisdictions have certainly accumulated particular and various experiences. But they did not have yet, following the example of the existing spaces allover the world, established on regional or linguistic belongings, a collective space of cooperation and exchange set on shared values and objectives.
So, the creation of this Conference, well-timed, comes to  federate our energies and strengthen the commitment of our continent to universal values and principles of Rule of law, of democracy and human rights, clearly expressed in the Constituent Act of the African Union and reasserted in the African charter of democracy, elections and governance.
The coordination of our positions and our joint efforts within internationals for to make the voice of Africa heard, as a united continent, strong with its unity and rich with its diversity, and allow it to contribute in the field of Constitutional justice, constitutes an objective which is naturally common to us.
Also, and in this double perspective which is given to us, that of consolidating the basis of our Conference, and taking up, together, the challenges of  the 21st century, we will be honored to welcome you among us.
Looking forward to be a member of our young Conference, I remain sincerely yours.
Algiers, June 29th 2011