Final Communicat


Algiers (Algeria), 07 and May 8, 2011.

Presidents and representatives of constitutional jurisdictions met in founding congress on 7 and 8 May 2011 in Algiers (Algeria) have created an organization called the Conference of constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa. Abbreviation: CCJA.

The creation of this new organization whose purpose is to strengthen the constitutional justice in the African space, follows the decision – Assembly/AU/DE-324 (XV) – adopted on the initiative of Algeria, for 15 ° the Ordinary Session of Heads of State and Government of the African Union held in Kampala (Uganda) from 25 to 27 July 2011.

Thee Conference of constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa. is also in same vision that the Constitution of the African Union, to promote and protect human rights and peoples, strengthen institutions and democratic culture, good governance and the rule of law in accordance with the mechanisms put in place the African continent and the various states themselves.

Fifty two (52) participants from twenty-five (25) jurisdictions have participated in the Congress which was enhanced by the actual presence of His Excellency Mr. Jean PING, Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union and His Excellency Mr. Gianni BUQUICCHIO, President of the Commission for Democracy through Law more known as the”Venice Commission”.

During the conference, participants discussed and adopted the Statut of the organization and proceeded to the election of Executive Bureau of the Conference  of constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa

The office will lead the organization for two years is composed as follows:

President: Master Robert DOSSOU ,

President of the Constitutional Court of Benin;

1st Vice President: Master Sghair OULD M’BAREK,

President of the Constitutional Council of Mauritania;

2nd Vice President: Marie Madeleine Mborantsuo,

President of the Constitutional Court of Gabon;

3rd Vice President: Mr Rui Constantino da Cruz Ferreira,
President of the Constitutional Court of Angola;

4 ° Vice Chairman: Mr Abdul Allah Al AMIN AL BASHIR,
President of the Constitutional Court of Sudan;

Secretary General: Professor Isaac Yankhoba Ndiaye,
Vice President of the Constitutional Court of Senegal;

The Deputy Secretary General : Concellor  Mr Moussa Laraba,

It was decided that the next Congress will be held in Cotonou (Benin).

Following the establishment of the statutory bodies of the Conference of constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa , the President of the Constitutional Court of Namibia, on behalf of Congress, a vote of thanks and congratulations to His Excellency Abdelaziz Bouteflika, President the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, the Algerian Government, to Dr. Boualem Bessaieh, President of the Constitutional Council and the members thereof, and the Algerian people for the quality of their welcome, their hospitality, generosity, success and the excellent organization of this important event in the life of our continent.

This meeting, the first of its kind in the history of constitutional justice in Africa and then to the objectives it intends to achieve, promising prospects for this new space.

The motion was passed unanimously by the delegates.

Done at Algiers, May 8, 2011.