Category Activité des Juridictions Menbres

Algeria to host the 5th WCCJ Congress in 2020

The 4th General Assembly of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ), held in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 11 to 14 September, elected Algeria to host the 5th World Congress, scheduled for 2020. As a reminder, the World Conference on Constitutional Justice brings together 111 Constitutional Courts and Councils and Supreme Courts of Africa, America, Asia

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Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt names Abdel Wahab Abdel Razek as new President   

  Chancellor Abdel Wahab Abdel Razek was appointed as the new chief of the Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) on May 29th 2016, after holding a general assembly to select an alternative for Adly Mansour, who has reached the retirement age limit.   The SCC is the highest ranking judicial court in Egypt. The new chief

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Algeria: appointment of three new members of Constitutional Council

ALGIERS- President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika on Wednesday Juley 27th 2016, signed a presidential decree on the appointment of three new members of the Constitutional Council.  The new members are :         – Mohamed Habchi, Vice-president of the Constitutional Council, named by the President of the Republic,         – El Hachemi Brahmi, Member of the

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Installing the new Constitutional Tribunal of Cape Verde and appointment of Mr. João Pinto Semedo, President

The magistrate João Pinto Semedo was installed October 15, 2015 as the first President of the newConstitutional Tribunal of Cape Verde, for a term of nine (09) years. Judge and law professor, John Pinto Semedo was born in 1968 in San Salvador, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, having

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