CJCA Executive Board Meeting in Luanda
On January 23 and 24, 2020, the Executive Board of the CJCA held its 12th session in Luanda – Angola, under the chairmanship of Dr. Manuel ARAGAO, President of the Constitutional Tribunal of Angola, President of the CJCA. The members of the Bureau were notably addressed:
– Assessment of the activities of the CJCA for the year 2019;
– Finances of the Association, in particular the statement of contributions;
– Closure of the 2019 financial year and adoption of the provisional budget for 2020;
– Review and adoption of the 2020 activity program;
– Consideration and adoption of the draft amendment of the Statute of the CJCA, presented by the Constitutional Council of Algeria
– Holding of the 3rd CJCA Symposium in Maputo – Mozambique on June 11 and 12, 2020;
– Preparations for the 6th Congress of the CJCA, scheduled in Rabat from April 4 to 7, 2021;
– Launch of a “CJCA Thesis Prize” and an African Journal of Constitutional Law;
– Cooperation with the African Union;
The next session of the Executive Bureau will be held in Luanda, Angola in January 2021.