Speech of His Excellency His Excellency Mr. Gianni BUQUICCHIO

Address by His Excellency Mr. Gianni BUQUICCHIO President of the Venice Commission at the opening ceremony of the Congress of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa held in Algiers on 7 and 8 May 2011.  


Mr. President,

I would say only two words, I am honored to be here today in this ceremony who has spent a bit of a dream, but honored as proud as I see the realization of this dream for over 20 years I worked for democracy and constitutional justice and my dream was to see the positive globalization of constitutional justice, exchange and dialogue between the various institutions operating in this area. It’s done.

I am in favor of a philosophy I call “concentric circles” such cooperation must take place first at the regional level because we have the same problems after extended continental level, finally arriving at the global level sweet we are pleased and proud to see that in Africa, There are already three associations: ACCPUF, UCCCA, FCJAS ….

You have now completed the hardest part is the creation of a pan-African on the continent, and it is very important, maybe you do not measure the importance of this initiative, there’s no time was a simple idea. Mr. Bessaieh me about it last winter (December 2010) in Venice. In January 2011, he organized a first meeting in Rio between African jurisdictions presented at the World Conference, and a few months after he came to invite you all Algiers to give birth to this organization is wonderful, it’s unexpected, I am happy and proud.

So I express my best wishes for success, and know that the Venice Commission has been with you to the launch of this initiative, will continue to support you as much as possible.

Congratulations and best wishes for the future.

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