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The High Court of the Republic of Tanzania announced its accession to the CCJA, and in a message of Chief Justice of this Court addressed to the General secreatriat CCJA in March 11, 2015 Bringing the number of member jurisdictions of CCJA to 32.
Biography of Mrs DANIOKO Manassa new President: Magistrate exceptional class and body Dean, Ms. Manassa Danioko was born January 19, 1945 in Kadiolo. After primary school in his hometown (1952-1958), it is oriented to high school Terrasson Ferns, where she spent her baccalaureate in 1966. She then enrolled in the National School of Administration (1966-1970)
The President of the Republic of Sudan has appointed 13 January 2013 Mr Abdellah Ahmed Abdellah as President of the Constitutional Court of Sudan …. he held the position of Judge of the same Court for six years